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Manic Bibliophile

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City of Fallen Angels
Cassandra Clare
Rapture (Fallen, #4) - Lauren Kate It took me a while to decide what I wanted to rate this book. At first I wanted to give it 3 stars then 2 because of all the grammar issues, the plot holes, the contradictions, the horrible math at the end, etc. Why did I give it 4 stars, though? I really liked what Lauren Kate was trying to accomplish. I had theories all along about how this would end and was actually kind of happy when it came to that point and I was right... until the twist came and made me kind of happier. I haven't read fan fiction since high school, but if Lauren Kate doesn't provide another book like Fallen in Love to slightly continue the ending of this book, I might have to delve into it again. (So message me if you write a continuation fan fiction to this, please!)