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Manic Bibliophile

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City of Fallen Angels
Cassandra Clare
Fifty Shades of Grey - E.L. James I'm reviewing the entire series at once because I just can't bring myself to sit down and write three reviews for these. Not only because they don't deserve individual reviews but I feel the same way for all of them. I was really hesitant on reading these books. I was told that they were Twilight fan fiction so I was slightly intrigued and put off at the same time. Then a friend told me she had read a review saying something about it being a cake with too much icing, but ohhhh... the icing and, add the pressure of a handful of people telling me to read them, I caved. It also helps I was gifted the books because I don't think I'd have ever bought them.The writing "style" of this series I give half a star for because it was unbelievably painful. Not only did I feel like I was reading a story written by a middle school-er (because we all know middle school-ers know far too much about sex this day and age) but there were so many loose ends that were never tied up that I found myself completely exasperated. Whoever was in charge of editing this for her, if anyone, should be fired. I do however have to make a side comment about something that was said in the first book about utilizing a thesaurus during their email banter. It made me laugh hysterically because it was exactly what I had been thinking about the author herself.The story itself I give three stars for, because—while I was exhausted of the same inward thinking over and over again—it was going in a good direction. The characters actually do grow, though personally I couldn’t grasp that until after I finished reading and started thinking about what I wanted to say about it. It just seemed a little hard to grasp while being in the middle of reading it all. I believe that if E. L. James had taken a little more time, found a better editor, and had gone back and filled the holes that are rampant through the series that this would have been really, really good.Lastly, I’m bothered this was a Twilight fan fiction. I know that it was redone to technically not be (or so Wikipedia says), but it just screamed rip off in my eyes because of it. But that’s a personal issue.All in all, I’d read them again if I have nothing else sitting around to divulge my time, but I’m still glad I didn’t buy them and that I didn’t wait on the six month waiting queue from the library for them.